The Ghosts Of My Past

There are few things more scary to a single girl than ghosting. Creepy men mostly stand at number one, fears of becoming a cat lady tends to also linger in the top three; but in this day and age I would definitely say that I most fear the Ghost. If you haven't heard of ghosting …

The Chase

There’s this incredibly old fashioned idea that it’s the guy's responsibility to make the effort in a blossoming relationship. He’s got to be the one to put himself out there, the one to make the first move, pay for the drinks and lead the date in the direction that ideally both parties want it to …

The Beginning

Female singledom. Currently in London the percentage of single, unattached human beings apparently stands at 51%. I am one of those statistics. Technically single for 9 years and counting, I haven't quite given up; sometimes I still even put myself out there. Don't worry, it's just as depressing as it sounds. You should probably keep …