The Beginning

Female singledom.

Currently in London the percentage of single, unattached human beings apparently stands at 51%. I am one of those statistics.

Technically single for 9 years and counting, I haven’t quite given up; sometimes I still even put myself out there. Don’t worry, it’s just as depressing as it sounds. You should probably keep reading though, because it will definitely make you feel better about your life.

This is something that I’ve wanted to say for a while. The fact that it’s all bullshit, every little thing about romance in this life. No matter how many times we’re told that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, it doesn’t change that end game. The constant, unwavering lust for something more; something that means that we’re not quite so alone.

But this is the 21st Century and that means dating EVERYONE. Downloading ALL the apps. Putting oneself out there day after day just for a hint that someone might literally fancy the pants off of you.


And so I come to The Girlfriend Experience. Most commonly known to men as the time they pay to spend and sleep with the perfect girl who gives them everything they need and asks for nothing but cash in return.

To me however, and my fellow single ladies, The Girlfriend Experience is the horizon that I consistently fail to reach. It always starts with hope and feigned positivity. Eye contact turns in to dates, turns in to goodnight kisses, turns in to sex, turns in to the eventuality that always occurs: It ends. The elusive relationship slips through my fingers just when I think I might have a grasp on it. But of course, I am human, I never learn; and once again I find myself back at the bottom of the pile, fighting for that glimmer of attention that gives me hope. It shouldn’t be this difficult. Disney lied: the happy ending, ultimately, never comes.

But as I said, this is my story, and I don’t give up so easily. As the infallible Nicole Kidman once called out in Moulin Rouge: Come and get me boys.


15 Replies to “The Beginning”

  1. Congrats on writing your first blogpost, That, in itself, is a wonderful thing to have achieved and I wish you all the best with your blogging journey.

    One thing I would say, as a mother of a beautiful young woman, not feeling quite old enough to be writing this myself … Don’t worry about the boys. Instead, focus on the beauty in your life, wherever you can find things to be grateful for, life experiences to be thankful you’re having, and all sorts of ways to engage in the life that is all around you. There are so many out there who need a loving, unconditional gesture of kindness and suppport … focus instead on them, and on accepting and loving who you have been designed and created to be. Who knows? In the process of living your own best and most grateful life, you may just stumble upon the rest of the story, including a lasting romance. Having been burnt by life in all sorts of ways, one of my strongest pieces of advice to all young people: don’t sleep around. Love is so much richer and so much more powerful when we have to pay a price … and the most wonderful price is to wait for the day that you marry … it is not too late to change the way we think.

    Love and blessings on your journey, and all the best with the writing xxx

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  2. That is my pleasure, and thank you for your kind words. Yes, I know about the long-time-coming thing too … I have journals going back to my teen years … and am still learning the tricks of the techie stage. It’s all a journey.

    I have followed your blog, and look forward to seeing how you go. If you’re interested to see mine, it is The Holly Tree Tales … you might be amused to read some of my very amateur first attempts at getting the blog off the ground.


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      1. Men are trash!!! Just yesterday, this guy invited me to have breakfast so we can “catch up” (his words), and I agreed because we used to be classmates and he seemed pretty decent enough.

        Right when we were about to eat, he dropped a bomb on me that we were actually on a date??? God. And when I said I wasn’t comfortable with that, especially because I’m exclusively seeing someone, he was all, “But you agreed to go have breakfast with me, so a part of you MUST secretly want me.”

        J E S U S .

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